Maxwell Cemetery |
While Civil War Veterans' graves are common in cemeteries throughout Georgia, the graves of Revolutionary War Veterans are not common at all. It is always interesting to run across one. Maxwell is a small private cemetery hidden in plan view between office parks and apartments in Alpharetta. These two massive oaks could easily be as old as the cemetery - over 150 years.
John Maxwell, Georgia Volunteer, Soldier of the American Revolution |
This is the grave of John Maxwell, 1763-1840, a volunteer at the age of 14. After the War John married a sister of Patrick Henry and settled in this area, where he and his wife had nine children. Note the metal tin, knife and the Marine Corp Good Conduct medal someone has placed here. A descendant perhaps, or fellow soldier?
Wow. Thanks. I'm amazed the graves of obscure people in remote cemeteries have fresh tributes. The folks at Paces Ferry UMC said that people from out of state come every once in a while to straighten the place up.